Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pater Ṇsere

Pater Ṇsere, jos kemeloisi essi,
Nōmṇ Twom sqenetoru.
Regnom Twom cemietōd.
Woliā Twā dhidhētoru,
ita kemelei jota pḷteuijāi.
Qāqodjūtenom bharsiom ṇserom edjēw dasdhi-nos
joqe dhaleglāms ṇserāms parke,
swāi skeletbhos pārkomos.
Enim mē noms peritloi enke prōd,
mō upelēd nosēie-nos.


Jay Goodman Tamboli said...

I tried running that through Google Translate, and it said "Translation from English into English is not supported." Touché.

Scott said...

You can figure out a bit by looking (and knowing the source text - it's the Lord's Prayer):

Line 1:

Pater - Father
Nsere - close enough to Noster to know it means our.

jos - Close to quos, a Latin "who" declension.

essi - some version of "to be." Cf. "is" in English, "es" in Spanish, etc.

Line 2.

Nomn - Name
Twom - That's pretty close to Latin tuo, or, "your." If Nomn's in the accusative -- I don't know -- it makes even more sense.

Line 3.

Regnom - Kingdom, obviously.

cemietod - might be an ancestor of "to come."

Line 4.

Twa - feminine of your?

Wolia - Will.

dhidhētoru - I'm guessing the first chunk is the father of our "did." This may be a participle.

Line 5.

kemelei - Heaven? Kemel is close to caeli, Latin for heaven. Note "kemel" also appears on the first line, which is also where Heaven appears in the Lord's prayer.

Line 6 doesn't look familiar at all. Qaqodjutenom might be the word for "daily," as it looks vaguely like "quotidian." Nserom is another variant of nsere from line 1, our -- with the -m, you can guess this is the accusative case.

Line 7. Nserams again must be related to "us." "Nosotros" "Nobis" etc. A plural accusative would make sense.

Line 8.

parkomos - Definitely the ancestor of the plural nosotros ending in Spanish (Italian, Latin, etc). Parke, on the line before, is another version of the verb, maybe even a subjunctive variant. Given placement, these must be conjugations of "to forgive" (and the ancestors of our "pardon").

swai might be the ancestor of "we"

Line 10. Enim - and? noms - us.

Line 11. "mo" ... compare "mai" in Italian -- but?

Or, just cheat and read the translation:

Jay Goodman Tamboli said...

There are only a couple of Google hits for "dhaleglāms," so it wasn't too hard to figure it out.

Julio said...

I believe you will have to say many of those, for forgetting about your friend!

Julio (again) said...

Or maybe "for having forgotten" would be a better construction, isn't it?