Saturday, April 21, 2012

Works Cited

“I am twenty-eight but look younger,” he remarked to Mr. Meek. “Perhaps that is because I am twenty-seven. My mother is not English, she is Scottish. My father is not a Hindoo.”  
“I warned you against reading the newspapers.”  
“But he is not a Hindoo.” 
“It’s near enough for the Gazette.”  
“But Mr. Meek, what if I said you were a Welshman?”  
“I would not hold you inaccurate, as my mother had Welsh blood.”  
“Or an Irishman?”  
Mr. Meek smiled back at him, unoffended, perhaps even looking a little Irish.  
“Or a Frenchman?”  
“Now there, sir, you go too far. There you provoke me.”

Julian Barnes, "Arthur and George"

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